Thursday, June 21, 2018

Popcorn, Hay, and Rain

Popcorn on June 14

Cutting hay in June

Cassie is moving all the hay for me this year.  She stands so much better than Sebastian!

My first attempt at a Romanian haystack.  The hay is not doing well under the tarp this year, since there is no time to dry with all the rain.  Hopefully this will work better.

Standing water in the garden has been a regular feature this May and June.  

Here's my tripod drying rack.

Tripod covered in hay.

This was the biggest event--about 5 inches of rain over a week or so in mid-June.  On either side of this event was cloudy, wet weather.

Stacking hay.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Test Plot Update

After a cold, late, wet Spring, things are greening up quickly in the test plot.  Here is a snapshot from June 2.

This is the Java, on the South end of the plot.  The row in front is ordinary Red Fife, from my main stock.

Here is the Haynes Bluestem.

On the right: Montana No. 36, Nebraska No. 60 (dead), Nebraska No. 6
On the left:  Wisconsin No. 2 (WN2), Early Noe, Red May (from 2017 Spring planting, dead)
The Early Noe is short and can't be seen.

Rows 1, 2, and 3 of the plot.

The Haynes Bluestem.

Spring test plot.