April 18 was the first day it was possible to get in the field this year. Naturally, rain is in the forecast so there is no time to waste! I had more historic wheat to test, plus some other grains to mess with.
From the USDA small grains collection, I had packets of Marquis, Red Fife, and Sturgeon. Sturgeon is a UW-Extension selection of Marquis from the 1930's. Surrounding this I drilled in 4 rows of Marquis, 2 rows of Red Fife (the smelly, damaged stuff from Appleton), 2 rows of Kamut/Khorasian wheat, 2 rows of Barley, and a good spread of naked oats. I basically covered the mixed vegetable ground from last year with wheat, oats, and barley.
In the new strip on the East end (was buckwheat, then oats & peas), I put in mixed vegetables in full and half rows. Spinach, peas, bok choi, beets, carrots, radishes, turnips, brussel sprouts, brocolli, and lettuce I think. Tomorrow I hope to get some leeks and potatoes planted, before it starts raining in the afternoon.